
Using modern equipment to capture geospatial information

Using modern  aerial equipment  (Drones – UAVs), it is possible to capture large areas, such as large mountainous and lowland areas, archaeological sites, quarries and industrial areas, providing massive and fast geospatial information.

Indicatively, the services we offer are:

  • Three-dimensional topographic mapping
  • Production of 3D terrain and object models for elevation mapping of both natural (DTM) and artificial (DSM) environments
  • 3D terrain and building models
  • 3D rendering of geometry, object volume and elevation of natural and technical space
  • Production of orthophoto maps
  • Production of orthoimages of elevations. The combination of aerial and ground photogrammetry can provide high resolution orthoimages of building elevations and sections, facilitating digital design


Online Template of a 3D topographic survey

You can view the template by opening the following link with a Firefox browser:
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